Our church is an independent, non-denominational congregation focused on equipping believers to accomplish all God has for each individual. We emphasize growing to maturity through regular, relevant study of God’s Word, meaningful corporate worship, and fellowship. Del Rio Bible Church was established in 1997 by a … Read More »
Paternity Dispute
Recap of 6/10/12 (John 8:37-59):
1. Through-out this passage Jesus is trying to get the religious leaders to think beyond the physical to the spiritual. They thought their physical relationship to Abraham was enough to save them. Jesus said that they needed a spiritual relationship to him. As it was they were exhibiting the characteristics of Satan (a liar and murderer) rather than of Abraham (faith, believing God). All of humanity divides along the lines of God as Father or Satan as Father. Being religious is not the answer, a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ is. As the NIV Study Bible says, “Their deeds reveal their parentage.”
2. Jesus calls Satan a “murderer from the beginning” and a liar who “when he lies, speaks his native language” (verse 44). Because of Satan’s lie (Genesis 3:4, 13) physical and spiritual death were brought into the creation. Death in the Bible means separation; physical death is the separation of the body from the spirit; spiritual death is separation from God; eternal death is eternal separation from God. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they died spiritually and the process of physical death began in their bodies.
3. Vance Havner says of Satan: “Satan and his legions are out to disable the body, deceive the minds, and discourage the spirit. Some he devours as a roaring lion. Some he leads astray as an angel of light. Others he besets as the accuser. He attacks through morals, through the mind, through moods.” “We need not be surprised if, right on the heels of a new spiritual beginning, we are beset with double force by the devil. It is a good sign. It is evidence that we are making progress, and have aroused him. He will attack body, mind and spirit to disable, deceive, or discourage. Be not discouraged. It is a sure sign of progress. The farther you go, the more you may meet with. But greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Your Ally has conquered your Adversary.”