Our church is an independent, non-denominational congregation focused on equipping believers to accomplish all God has for each individual. We emphasize growing to maturity through regular, relevant study of God’s Word, meaningful corporate worship, and fellowship. Del Rio Bible Church was established in 1997 by a … Read More »
Getting Through Troubling Times
1. Psalm 27 teaches that in times of trouble our only security is in the Lord; abiding in Him, seeking His presence; and seeking Him in prayer. In the words of G. Campbell Morgan: “This Psalm is the song of a soul in danger.”
2. David could be confident in days of crisis, fear, and anxiety because he knew the Person who bring security, the Place of security and had the resource of prayer.
3. Psalm 27 is a combination of two types of psalms. The first section, vv. 1-6, is a song of trust. The second section, vv. 7-14 is an individual lament in which David expresses his distress, cries out to God, confesses his trust in God, and makes his petition.
4. David reminds us that we need not fear life’s challenges (personal, material, or global) because God is the believers light, salvation, and stronghold. God provides the light of His Word to deliver us from the dangers of darkness and to provide light for our way. He provides deliverance from danger, and is for us a place of safety and security.
5. David reduces his life to one thing, according to verse 4. The deepest desire of his heart is for intimate fellowship with God, to abide in Him (John 15). Paul speaks of a similar commitment in Philippians 3:12-13 (“this one thing I do…”).
6. David prays in verses 7-14. Difficult times are times for prayer, times for seeking God’s guidance, and often times of waiting, testing and learning patience.
7. Warren Wiersbe asks, “What makes you afraid? Darkness: But the Lord is your light. Danger? He is also your salvation. Deficiency? He is your strength. Then why be afraid?”