Our church is an independent, non-denominational congregation focused on equipping believers to accomplish all God has for each individual. We emphasize growing to maturity through regular, relevant study of God’s Word, meaningful corporate worship, and fellowship. Del Rio Bible Church was established in 1997 by a … Read More »
A Ready Defense
Bible Text: 1 Peter 3:15a-17 | Preacher: Pastor Joe Ricchuiti | Series: 1 Peter, A Ready Defense
Recap of 4/19/15 (1 Peter 3:15b-16):
Peter calls upon believers to enthrone Christ on the throne of their lives. G. Campbell Morgan writes: “The simple meaning of the injunction is that at the very center of life there is to be but one Lord, and that is Christ.” He goes on to say that it is the key to right conduct and the key to effective service.
Jesus Christ is already Lord: over the angels (Rev. 5:11,12); over Satan (Col. 2:15); over the nations (Col. 2:10; Eph. 1:19b-22); over all creation (Col. 1:16,17); over all Christians—the church (Col. 1:18); and over the living and the dead (Rom. 14). Areas that we should submit to Christ’s rulership are: marriage and family, leisure time, career, education, possessions, money, and self (Navigators 2:7 series) Some additions might be dating, relationships, and sexuality (sex life).
Christians must be ready to answer non-believers with a reasonable and intelligent statement of what they believe and why they believe it.
Some resources to help in that are: The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell; and Know Why You Believe, Know What You Believe, Know Who You Believe, and How to Give Away Your Faith by Paul E. Little.
Christians must answer non-believers with meekness and respect not arrogance or belligerence.