Our church is an independent, non-denominational congregation focused on equipping believers to accomplish all God has for each individual. We emphasize growing to maturity through regular, relevant study of God’s Word, meaningful corporate worship, and fellowship. Del Rio Bible Church was established in 1997 by a … Read More »
The Word That Never Fails
Bible Text: John 4:43-54 | Preacher: Pastor Joe Ricchuiti | Series: John, The Word That Never Fails
Recap of the February 5th sermon from John 4:43-54:
1. John calls the healing of the royal official’s son a “miraculous sign” (vs. 54). John records seven such signs in his gospel account. A sign, as John uses it, is “a mighty work or miracle which symbolizes spiritual truth” (Merrill F. Unger). The miraculous signs show that Jesus has power over matter, nature, sickness, and death. The world is in desperate need, because He is the God-man, Jesus can answer that need. The signs were designed to bring unbelievers to faith and to strengthen and grow the faith of believers.
2. The official’s son was on his deathbed and no one had been able to help him, so the official traveled to Cana to seek Jesus’ help. He apparently was aware of Jesus’ power displayed in Jerusalem. Sometimes God allows illnesses, afflictions, burdens, difficulties, suffering to bring people to Himself. He may use these things in the lives of the unsaved friends and family for whom we are praying to cause them to seek Him.
3. By challenging the man’s motives Jesus seeks to drive him deeper to faith. The man’s greater need was commitment to Jesus. “[Jesus] desired belief characterized by dedication rather than amazement…His aim was to inculcate a genuine commitment rather than merely to perform a cure.” (Merrill C. Tenney)
4. The boy is healed by the word of Christ from long distance (20-25 miles away). John establishes Jesus power over disease and the power of His word.
5. A good prayer for us to consider is: “God, Your commanding voice in Jesus stilled storms in Galilee and quieted hurricane fears in disciple’s hearts. Now train me in trust so that I may put aside my timidity and embrace Your mighty Word with robust faith. Amen. (Eugene Peterson)