Our church is an independent, non-denominational congregation focused on equipping believers to accomplish all God has for each individual. We emphasize growing to maturity through regular, relevant study of God’s Word, meaningful corporate worship, and fellowship. Del Rio Bible Church was established in 1997 by a … Read More »
The Greatest Threat
Bible Text: Daniel 11:21-45 | Preacher: Pastor Joe Ricchuiti | Series: Daniel, The Greatest Threat
1. Some purposes of suffering:
-to strengthen our faith, James 1:2
-to demonstrate that our faith is genuine, 1 Peter 1:6,7
-to remind us of eternity and of our dependence upon God
-to make us more human, more vulnerable and compassionate toward others
-to spread the gospel
-to show that Satan’s worst won’t stop God
-to unite us with Christ, identifying with Him, growing in intimacy with Him
2. How to deal with our suffering?
-know that God will use it for good, Romans 8:28
-seek good uses, seek to glorify God and draw unbelievers to Christ, learn compassion for others, learn to depend upon God and grow in faith
-get support, through prayer and Bible reading, through fellowship with other believers
-don’t rationalize; don’t make up reasons why God allowed the suffering
-focus on good; be thankful for the good people and things in your life; praise God for them
(credit for the above to: A Compact Guide to the Christian Life by K.C. Hinckley)
3. Scripture to meditate on in the midst of trials: Isaiah 26:3; 41:10; 43:1-3; 43:5; Psalm 31:14-15a