Our church is an independent, non-denominational congregation focused on equipping believers to accomplish all God has for each individual. We emphasize growing to maturity through regular, relevant study of God’s Word, meaningful corporate worship, and fellowship. Del Rio Bible Church was established in 1997 by a … Read More »
No, Really….He’s Alive!!
Bible Text: Matthew 28:1-20 | Preacher: Pastor Joe Ricchuiti | Series: Matthew, No Really… He’s Alive!!
1. Jesus appeared, alive from the dead, 10 times over 40 days to over 500 people. Matthew doesn’t mention all of the 10 appearances, only two, the appearance to the women and the appearance in Galilee. Matthew also doesn’t mention all the visits to the tomb by various people only the visit by the women. Each of the gospel writers records only a part of the events of that first Easter.
2. The Word of God is unashamedly honest about the events it records: the disciples are afraid, they do not believe the resurrection at first and need to be convinced. Its honesty is an evidence of its authenticity.
3. The message of the resurrection for believers is “do not be afraid,” not of death and not of life. This message was delivered to the women by both the angel and by Jesus. He is a living Savior, a victorious Savior, and a present Savior.
4. That the women were the first witnesses to the resurrection is another note of authenticity to the truthfulness of the resurrection. Since the testimony of women was not accepted in the ancient world anyone attempting to perpetrate a hoax would not have women as the first witnesses to so vital an event.
5. The resurrection is attested to by other evidences: the empty tomb, the number of appearances both public and private over a 40 day span, the preaching of the resurrection on the day of Pentecost which went unchallenged, the marked change in Peter and the other disciples from fearful and discouraged to triumphant and bold, and the change to Sunday worship. But the key proof of the resurrection is the fulfilled Word of God. One who rejects the Word of God will not be convinced by proofs, no matter how many or how valid (Luke 16).
6. Concerning the nature of Jesus’ resurrection body: it was not a resuscitated body (destined to die again such as with Lazarus or the widow’s son and others); it was not a reincarnated body (Hebrews 9:27 teaches all men die only once followed by judgment, putting the lie to reincarnation); but it is a resurrected body, still physical but transformed and empowered (not limited by time and space).