Our church is an independent, non-denominational congregation focused on equipping believers to accomplish all God has for each individual. We emphasize growing to maturity through regular, relevant study of God’s Word, meaningful corporate worship, and fellowship. Del Rio Bible Church was established in 1997 by a … Read More »
The Incredible Shrinking Man
Bible Text: John 3:22-36 | Preacher: Pastor Joe Ricchuiti | Series: John, The Incredible Shrinking Man
Recap of the sermon from January 22, 2012 (John 3:22-36):
1. “…John replies with deep and characteristic humility that the different tasks in life, and all apparent degrees of greatness, must be explained as the expression of the will of God…and that he is satisfied [even] rejoices in the part assigned to him in relation to the work and ministry of Christ.” (Dr. Charles Erdman) John 3:22-36 is a study in jealousy, humility, and in what makes Jesus superior, not only to John the Baptist, but to all other religious leaders and teachers.
2. John was able to have an attitude of humility, seen in his willingness to be supplanted by Jesus in importance, because:
-He had a sense of God’s sovereignty over his life and ministry.
-He was focused on God, not other people.
-His thoughts were not consumed with comparisons with others.
-Because he was content with who he was, he was free to be supportive of the lives and ministries of others, rather than having a spirit of competition with them.
-He was content to take a back seat to Jesus because he understood who he was, and who Jesus was (as seen in vv. 31-36)
-His sense of purpose in leadership allowed him to be a good follower when the situation called for it.
3. John 3:31-36 enumerates what it is that sets Jesus apart and makes Him pre-eminent. He is heavenly in origin, teaches that which could be known in no other way, is loved by the Father, filled with the fullness of the Spirit, and is the dividing point of every life. Those who put their trust in Him have eternal life, those who do not remain condemned.